Of Pellets BORUS
Technology Industry 4.0

Pellet Burners
Automatic BORUS
BORUS Pellet Burners, a piece of equipment manufactured to help reduce heating costs inmiscellaneous industry areas.
Replacing energies derived from gas, oil fuel, electricity or firewood with biomass pellets, so your costs can be reduced by up to 65%.
Equipped with an exclusive, patented technology that enables more efficient and secure control from anywhere in the palm of your hand, aequipment which is already in the new industry era, industry 4.0.
Borus Automatic pellet burners, factory equipment that burns com very high efficiency biomass of the pellet type.
Its equipment is used in the mostmiscellaneous areas that use heat in their process,industry da bakery, foundries ofaluminum e metal, painting companieselectrostatic, aviaries, smoke drying,hotels e clubs that use boilers toheating deWater are some examples of applications.
The control system was designedespecially For our pellet burning equipment, its technology has been patented and has exclusive functions that facilitate day-to-day operation.
Economy is one of the biggest factors that contribute to the customer's decision to purchase, as it can reduce their costs with heating up to 65%.